Macro photography lighting lecture
The magic of macro by Heather Angel
Macro photography is Heather’s most popular lecture. Composition, critical focusing and lighting are key to the success of a macro shot. Heather reveals her secrets for shooting winning macro images many of which have appeared in two books she has written on close-up and macro photography.
After wildlife, Heather has a great passion for macro and never travels anywhere without one of her macro lenses – for taking flowers, plant details and smaller wildlife from insects and marine life to amphibians and reptiles.
“The great thing about working at the macro end of the scale, is that potential subjects are everywhere. Also, you have complete control of the lighting. Selective use of reflectors, diffusers, fill flash or prime flash in the field ensures you can select the optimum lighting – without blaming the weather for lack lustre results!”
Indoors the light ranges from window light in a large sunroom to working in her studio with LED lights, a lightbox and state of the art lighting – including fibre optics and high speed flash. This presentation includes some innovative and stunning lighting to reveal hidden wonders in the macro world. More recently, Heather has been using focus stacking extensively to gain enhanced depth of field for 3-D flowers. These appear in her latest book Pollination Power for Kew Gardens.
To see more stunning macro photography images, take a look at Heather’s Macro photography portfolio
To inquire about Heather’s Macro photography lecture click on the contact page and include Macro Lecture in the message box.