Pollination Photography lecture
Pollination Visual Insights by Heather Angel New 2015
“Heather manages to spot and bring to life insignificant parts of the natural world.” – Sir David Attenborough
Here you will see images of flowers as you have never seen them before. Heather will show via her exciting photography, fascinating ways flowers entice and deter their array of pollinators and the rewards they offer to lure them back. Special photographic techniques reveal intricate details of floral structure using focus stacking, while high speed flash captures pollen release by flowers with simulated buzz pollination. In addition, ultra violet flash reveals UV floral guides hidden to our own eyes.
Working behind the scenes at Kew, in her own garden and travelling to 20 countries, Heather Angel has captured images that provide an intriguing insight into how flowers communicate with their floral visitors. Some flowers change colour when they no longer have rewards on offer. Others control precisely when pollinators enter or leave by the time they open and close their petals or when they emit a scent.
With the recent decline in bees worldwide, pollination is frequently in the news, making this a highly topical talk that shows how many other animals – beside honeybees – pollinate our flowers. This timely topic will delight everyone who has a love of plants and wants to know more about plant-pollinator interactions, especially gardeners, plant lovers, naturalists and wildlife photographers.
All over the world, fascinating pollination stories are being discovered and a selection are highlighted here.
To inquire about Heather’s Pollination lecture click on the contact page and include Pollination Lecture in the message box.
Autographed copies of Heather Angel’s Pollination Power book are available for purchase at Heather’s lecture or from the Shop.